Friday 16 October 2015

Clear Your Road Map before Purchasing an ERP Software for Small & Medium Sized Business

What ERP does

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a system which basically designed to integrate & get 360 degree Access at all the business resources on a single platform, which provide an internal connectivity between all the departments or internal business functions for lucrative information flow across the organization. ERP can centralized & streamline the spread information related to different business units on a single computer screen, so that concern person can access the desire information easily in couple of minutes. An ERP is a Business management Tool, which helps you to improve different business, functions VIA-an Inter departmental coordination.  ERP integrates all the internal process tiers and helps CEO to have transparency over every process of their business.

Related: Top 5 Ways Small Business Inventory Software can Benefits Your Business

Things to do before Purchasing an ERP Software Companies planning to adopt cloud based software need to have a crystal-clear perspective on companies IT strategies, technology roadmap and business priorities. Adopting new system especially ERP software is no small task, as lot of integration is required between old system and ERP System. Below are few points which require consideration before adopting an ERP software 

Focus on Program Management process - The important part is to do planning and look up ways to control the project, Steps required to Integrate, and Technology Management are the main issues to look up.
Define your company’s current business issues properly- Try to figure out business issues that are being considered for change throughout the project . This will give you clear picture of strategy and objectives, business current state, Detailed list of business issues, Stakeholder analysis, Project Team Organizational Structure.

Strategy Development and Design- develop strategies that reflect the organization’s revised vision and new strategic initiatives- it will help you to define future business design.
Benefits Realization & Strategy Management - Built up strong strategy for future requirements.

Related: Business Insider Guide – What is ERP Software? and What kind of Companies Need ERP

IT Transformation- make note of changes required keeping in mind future requirement in terms of IT.

Below are few features of ERP which will help you to determine Program Management process

Cost: Is the main thing while adopting ERP software. The best pay model is pay as you go Model (per user per annum). Benefits of this model to mention few -Costs is Predictable, there is no financial risk and Large Geographical reach.

Scalability - Always use an updated feature and all updates & generic features are regularly updated online.

Data Security - Highly Secure Services with DR Practices in place

Implementation Time - Users can start using from the 1st week of application release

Access of Information - Anytime Anywhere Easy Access, with just an internet connection

Maintenance - Absolutely no Maintenance. Customers can focus on their Core Business functionalities

Dependency for Information - With information available anywhere anytime, dependency of Key Decision Makers on other staff is negligible

Transfer of knowledge - Smooth transition of information in case of any employee leaving

Accessibility - Companies with large customer base with extended geographical locations can easily use the ERP