Friday 16 October 2015

Clear Your Road Map before Purchasing an ERP Software for Small & Medium Sized Business

What ERP does

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a system which basically designed to integrate & get 360 degree Access at all the business resources on a single platform, which provide an internal connectivity between all the departments or internal business functions for lucrative information flow across the organization. ERP can centralized & streamline the spread information related to different business units on a single computer screen, so that concern person can access the desire information easily in couple of minutes. An ERP is a Business management Tool, which helps you to improve different business, functions VIA-an Inter departmental coordination.  ERP integrates all the internal process tiers and helps CEO to have transparency over every process of their business.

Related: Top 5 Ways Small Business Inventory Software can Benefits Your Business

Things to do before Purchasing an ERP Software Companies planning to adopt cloud based software need to have a crystal-clear perspective on companies IT strategies, technology roadmap and business priorities. Adopting new system especially ERP software is no small task, as lot of integration is required between old system and ERP System. Below are few points which require consideration before adopting an ERP software 

Focus on Program Management process - The important part is to do planning and look up ways to control the project, Steps required to Integrate, and Technology Management are the main issues to look up.
Define your company’s current business issues properly- Try to figure out business issues that are being considered for change throughout the project . This will give you clear picture of strategy and objectives, business current state, Detailed list of business issues, Stakeholder analysis, Project Team Organizational Structure.

Strategy Development and Design- develop strategies that reflect the organization’s revised vision and new strategic initiatives- it will help you to define future business design.
Benefits Realization & Strategy Management - Built up strong strategy for future requirements.

Related: Business Insider Guide – What is ERP Software? and What kind of Companies Need ERP

IT Transformation- make note of changes required keeping in mind future requirement in terms of IT.

Below are few features of ERP which will help you to determine Program Management process

Cost: Is the main thing while adopting ERP software. The best pay model is pay as you go Model (per user per annum). Benefits of this model to mention few -Costs is Predictable, there is no financial risk and Large Geographical reach.

Scalability - Always use an updated feature and all updates & generic features are regularly updated online.

Data Security - Highly Secure Services with DR Practices in place

Implementation Time - Users can start using from the 1st week of application release

Access of Information - Anytime Anywhere Easy Access, with just an internet connection

Maintenance - Absolutely no Maintenance. Customers can focus on their Core Business functionalities

Dependency for Information - With information available anywhere anytime, dependency of Key Decision Makers on other staff is negligible

Transfer of knowledge - Smooth transition of information in case of any employee leaving

Accessibility - Companies with large customer base with extended geographical locations can easily use the ERP

Tuesday 8 September 2015

What is Sales Opportunity Management Software?

What is Opportunity Management software? Many question ask this question. After reading this they all would be very familiar with the Opportunity management.

Let start  with a sweet and professional story.
For the seller Point of view, A company that design & develops a software, means that they have an opportunity to sell something. But this opportunity does not materialize instantly. They need to manage it over a period of time. They need to provide a way for the buyer to try out the product, help them with questions, sometimes prepare a custom offer and stay in touch during the whole process to see if there is anything else needed. This sales activity is called Opportunity Management.

Opportunity Management

The actions required during an Opportunity Management process are not that complicated. Picking up the phone, preparing a demo, writing an offer. These are standard for all sales people follow. But there are a few factors that can make Opportunity Management quite complicated:
  • Time: a sales process for a intricate product like software can take days, weeks or even months. It can be very tough to remember in month third  the details of what was discussed in prior month.
  • Volume: one sales process can be done, two, three as well. What about five, ten, fifty? Sales Reps are asked by their organizations to open as many opportunities as possible. But mixing all the sales processes makes it very hard to remember what was due when, for whom.

It can be hard to manage multiple opportunities
This is why Opportunity Management is a vital field within Customer Relationship Management(CRM) with special tools that exist to help Sales Reps and their managers with these processes.
A good system will make Opportunity Management transparent and help out with the follow-up of opportunities. This only works if the opportunities are actually entered into the system, so it should also be really easy to work with.
Opportunity Management is getting growing recognition as a key part of sales. And not only for large enterprises every company need it to streamline all sales process. There are plenty of small businesses who could benefit from solid opportunity management. Even an electrician who receives calls for offers could track them and follow up (usually not done).
As organizations learn to better track opportunities, they are closing more of them and reducing stress for Sales Reps. And this is beneficial for everyone, including the customers who get the attention and follow-up they expect.
Have any questions or comments about Opportunity Management, sales Management or any related issue? Feel free to get in touch with us!

Friday 4 September 2015

Advantages and Disadvantages of Accounting Management Software

There are some management accounting packages already in the current market. Veeqo, Stitch Labs, , SalesBabu, Sales Binder, Clearly Inventory, TradeGecko, Unleashed and etc., But all of those are made in different countries. There are some few packages with limited functionality. We have identified some advantages and disadvantages of those packages. Some of them are listed below.

Advantages: When we are doing manually stock control process, it can be more time taking process. If we use online management system such as computerized inventory control software you can enhance your business with more profits and also you may not need many staff to do inventory control activity process. Accounting management information is more useful for organization’s decision making process, when we use computerized system information are more accurate than when we doing it manually. When organization running a business with inventory control system it is so easy to control the cash out flows and in flows. And also it will help to take business critical decisions.

Lowering of Costs Lot of companies start their inventory from investing large amount of money. If they don’t; they can’t run the company in a successful manner. When you use the top inventory system, by using inventory system you are able to cut down all auxiliary fees by not stuffing up the storage space with unnecessary supplies. For further information the system program can even help you in changing the profitless product sales, you will have the standard material, you don’t want to get anything unwanted.

High Efficiency When you are using powerful & accurate inventory systems the output will ascend & the operating performance also increase gradually in a far more stabilize way. The program performs many assignments like information collecting, estimations and information preservation. Since the ratio of unknowns are reduced, effectiveness increases. So the saving time can use for other important factors of the authority.

Disadvantages: Accounting software consists with some disadvantages even though they take responsibilities of an accountant’s shoulders. Many small business owners use digital accounting software, it means computerized software is a integrated application suites for their hardware resources & functionalities. So we have to watch & discover the errors when they get malfunction. While you may be an expert accountant but should have knowledge to work with software, it will take some time and money when you are learn these tasks.

Cost When you are using accounting software, some software s request to purchase updates or upgrades. So we have to be keen enough to get the standard versions of software s, & hardware requirements suit to the related software. Otherwise it will be a risk.

Reliance on Computers When your computer is affected by a virus or whatever your software may start to malfunction, sometimes you will have to install the operating system again. So there is no backup system users will get many problems. Also when you running the software & the power is lost, after restarting the machine the software may stuck or having with an error. So you have to use a battery backup system to overcome from this hazards.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Top 5 Ways Small Business Inventory Software can Benefits Your Business

In this modern era business world is becoming very comparative. Hundreds of small business is open daily. They always trying to beat their competitor anyhow. In this way they take many software solutions to keep update along with the market trend.Inventory software is one of the software from these solutions.

Inventory management software is the process of computer based system for tracking inventory level, order, sales and deliveries. Inventory management software widely use in many production and manufacturing company to create a work order, bills of materials, delivery challan and production related papers. Organizations are use inventory software to avoid production overstock. Inventory management is a online tool for organizing inventory data generally stored in hard copy like register or any note book or in the excel sheets. Inventory software is use for different types of purposes including maintaining a balance between stock and purchasing department. It is also monitor the materials requirement by the warehouse to manufacture the raw goods to finished. Effectiveness maintenance of raw material is one of the most important task for any inventory management software.

In inventory management the few products are like bills of material, good receipt note(GRN), issue & receipt, finished goods, raw material, and delivery challan. Bills of material is the pointer of all components & assemblies of a product. BoM contains the message about a last item along the extra part it has applied. Finished goods are necessary component of inventory. Finished goods informs the last product manufactured.

But truly i must say that Inventory management software provide a vast solution to the organization
Consider these few but effective way when examine inventory software:
1) Complete supply chain visibility – A fully optimized, inventory software provides the complete details with real time insight and detailed information regarding for both raw and finished product flows - as well as the added ability to drill down into details if needed
2) Quality management – The nature of durable & non-durable goods is totally different that cause issues and errors. sometimes may be Shipments delayed, fill rates can lag, packages can be broken. Inventory software identifies and tracks the various issues that could occur, and through MIS reports & analytics, provides the help regarding for the factors who impacting quality.
3) Forecasting and Planning Management – inventory management software not only manages stock at the warehouse level, but can also predict your future capacity. Through insights provided by the inventory software, you may be identify the viability of opening multiple regional warehouses located near key customers to increase efficiencies and improve service levels - the right software can help you to make that decision fast.
4) Cost Management – Any product sitting on the shelf is a liability that picks away at your business' profitability. By managing your stock requirements with real-time and increasing inventory turns, your business can make the most out of existing shelf space to improve margins.
5) Efficiency and Customer Service – Optimizing your inventory processes can reduce the amount and time to replenish stock, process shipments, and serve your customers (i.e. "pick, pack, and ship"). With inventory software all of these efficiency improvements are recognizes without any hassle.
As your business grows you will also need a software that grows with you. Inventory management software ensures growth without adding a significant amount of hardware, software or any system expenses. on the basis of these point it is easy to say how inventory management software work and how well it manage business efficiently.
As your business grows you will also need a software that grows with you. Inventory management software ensures growth without adding a significant amount of hardware, software or any system expenses. on the basis of these point it is easy to say how inventory management software work and how well it manage business efficiently.

Monday 22 June 2015

What is Contact Management Software and their Uses?

It is a new age of sales. It is very important to know all about your leads, quotation, activity, account and many more. In this phase every business needs a centralized database or contact management software which can store data on real time basis.

A contact management is a software that enable you to track all  the information  and communication activities linked to your contact list during whole sales process. Its easily fetch all information detail in any point of instance related to any sales document, active opportunity with associated activities. Moreover contact management software must reflects your buyer personally. Because you have enough data to contact them via call or email and know the purpose.It's also beneficial for the future purpose also because the sales person directly gets through to the contact. 

These are few Important points, why we use contact Management Software: 

·        take detailed notes on each contact,
·        share insights with your sales team,
·        set up alerts, delegate tasks and schedule meetings,

     Contact management software brilliantly save all information as related to your  business at one place.

Thursday 4 June 2015

How to Grow Your Business With CRM Software

Using  right tools and strategy every business can grow. Online CRM Software helps you to make your teams more proficient, generate more leads, and increases sales volume. Do market research to know the latest trends. Sell more to your existing customers to grow your business fast.   

These are some point to make business productive:
Improve your Products and services:
If you want to grow your business first focus on your customer services and products. Do some improvements in it if required. Talk to your customers what they need and what should be improve. Do a monkey survey and take feedback to know about your company  services. Make it more useful and valuable for them. Take a look that how well you are able to meet their needs. Ensure that your customers are satisfied and happy with your customer services. Without loyal and strong customer base it is not easy to grow business.       
Make Everyone Productive in Your Organization:

 You need to guide your team to work smarter on proper time span and give advice how they can spend thier time with customers and prospects. Give them right tools to manage their work. Online CRM Software gives you complete details of your team's activities. They can update their activities from anywhere because it is cloud based application. It increases their productivity and also helps you to track their performance during appraisal time.

Generate More Business: 

Lead generation is vital part of any for any organization. Many organization using online software to manage their to-do list and maintaining customer database. They are very helpful source for any organization to keep up to with market trend. after many research i am going to tell you which companies offering best CRM Software. Salesforce, SalesBabu are the big giant of this CRM field. They  offers a crm software with proper guiding manual how to use this software and manage their customer contact list. currently i am using SalesBaby CRM Software , which is far better than other CRM software With SalesBabu CRM Software you can capture and track leads. Having blog is the best way of lead generation. Promote your business on social media. Use right tools to streamline your sales process. Run e-mail campaigns to maintain relations with your existing clients. Develop strategies to get repeat customers. When you are managing your business well, you will be able to generate more business.    
Manage Your Sales Cycle: 

Every Company follow some pattern of sales cycle. With the help of  CRM Software, SMEs can manage all their sales activities at single place. You first need to identify the budget of the prospect. Online CRM Software helps organization to manage and track the complete sales cycle. Sales tracking is important because you will be able to know where your efforts are working and where you need to improve. You can close more business by managing all deal details.   
How CRM is Helpful to Grow Your Business?

·         Helps you to retain existing customers
·         Improves your sales process
·         Provides ability to easily predict future sales
·         Identify competitive trends
·          Quick Quotation and sales order generation
·         Provides centralized database
·         View sales reports to analyze performance
·         Automate sales tasks
·         Keep all your information on one place
·         Saves your time and manage your database on clouds safely

Improve Your Customer Service: 

Customer service plays an important role in the growth of business. High quality service create customer loyalty. It will be difficult for any organization to survive without good customer service. Customers are vital and you should be able to maintain long term customer relations.