Tuesday 8 September 2015

What is Sales Opportunity Management Software?

What is Opportunity Management software? Many question ask this question. After reading this they all would be very familiar with the Opportunity management.

Let start  with a sweet and professional story.
For the seller Point of view, A company that design & develops a software, means that they have an opportunity to sell something. But this opportunity does not materialize instantly. They need to manage it over a period of time. They need to provide a way for the buyer to try out the product, help them with questions, sometimes prepare a custom offer and stay in touch during the whole process to see if there is anything else needed. This sales activity is called Opportunity Management.

Opportunity Management

The actions required during an Opportunity Management process are not that complicated. Picking up the phone, preparing a demo, writing an offer. These are standard for all sales people follow. But there are a few factors that can make Opportunity Management quite complicated:
  • Time: a sales process for a intricate product like software can take days, weeks or even months. It can be very tough to remember in month third  the details of what was discussed in prior month.
  • Volume: one sales process can be done, two, three as well. What about five, ten, fifty? Sales Reps are asked by their organizations to open as many opportunities as possible. But mixing all the sales processes makes it very hard to remember what was due when, for whom.

It can be hard to manage multiple opportunities
This is why Opportunity Management is a vital field within Customer Relationship Management(CRM) with special tools that exist to help Sales Reps and their managers with these processes.
A good system will make Opportunity Management transparent and help out with the follow-up of opportunities. This only works if the opportunities are actually entered into the system, so it should also be really easy to work with.
Opportunity Management is getting growing recognition as a key part of sales. And not only for large enterprises every company need it to streamline all sales process. There are plenty of small businesses who could benefit from solid opportunity management. Even an electrician who receives calls for offers could track them and follow up (usually not done).
As organizations learn to better track opportunities, they are closing more of them and reducing stress for Sales Reps. And this is beneficial for everyone, including the customers who get the attention and follow-up they expect.
Have any questions or comments about Opportunity Management, sales Management or any related issue? Feel free to get in touch with us!

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